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7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Spider Plant: Spider plants are pretty easy to grow in water. Their leaves have white lines that curve over each other. You can let the spider plantlets hang from the long roots or cut them off and give them to your friends.

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Lucky Bamboo: People believe that growing this lucky plant will bring them luck. Lucky bamboo is not in the bamboo family, even though it has spikes that make it look interesting. The spikes are actually from the genus dracaena.

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Pothos: Pothos grows quickly and forms a vine. In just one month, it can grow up to a foot long. Since the houseplant needs to be watered often, it makes sense to grow it in water instead of dirt.

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Snake Plant: You will not believe it, but snake plant twigs will grow roots in water. He says, "A good stem can be cut off at the base and put in water." "There are different types and species of snake plants.

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Philodendron: The philodendron is often grown in dirt as a houseplant, but it also does well in water. Funk says, "This tropical plant comes in many types, like the heartleaf philodendron, and it can survive in low light."

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Coleus: This plant is great for beginners because it grows well in water. Roethling says, "A lot of farmers like to save coleus cuttings to start new plants before the next growing season." "Take a piece of stem and cut off the lower leaves."

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed
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Chinese Evergreen: If you want a colorful houseplant that does not need much care, the Chinese evergreen is a great choice. Their stems look like canes and have narrow, spade-shaped leaves. They are easy to grow in dirt or water, says Roethling.

7 Houseplants That Can Grow in Water No Soil Needed